JANE AUSTEN INDEX Z .Z Pe 20:7 There was not a baronet from A to Z whom her feelings could have so willingly acknowledged as an equal. .ZEAL Em 608:17 and at last would begin admiring her drawings with so much zeal. Em 1206:6 and his the greatest zeal in pursuing it. Em 1280:4 I shall try for it with a zeal. Em 1795:5 and watched her safely of with the zeal of a friend. MP 524:8 and his zeal after poach- ers. MP 589:10 and zeal could hold out. MP 630:3 with renewed zeal. MP 1351:17 He dep- recated her mistaken but well-meaning zeal. MP 1730:11 returning to every former ofce with more than former zeal. Pe 77:5 with all his zeal. Pe 147:19 he did nothing with much zeal. Pe 298:35 the zeal of the business was gone by. Pe 434:2 attending with all the strength and zeal. Pe 459:4 she would have attended on Louisa with a zeal above the common claims of regard. SS 611:9 before Sir John’s and Mrs Jennings’sactivezealinthecauseofsociety. SS 1063:4 by the friendly zeal with which he had endeavoured to soften it. .ZEALOUS MP 127:17 Mrs Norris was most zealous in promoting the match. Pe 27:1 Lady Russell was most anxiously zealous on the subject. Pe 659:15 zealous ofcer too. SS 796:26 but likewise upon watching his be- haviour to her sister with such zealous atten- tion. SS 1640:4 Every thing that the most zeal- ous afection. .ZEALOUSLY Pe298:17whoformorethan forty years had been zealously discharging all the duties of his ofce. SS 113:6 In the promo- tion of this object she was zealously active. .ZIGZAGS Em 670:9 but their straightfor- ward emotions left no room for the little zigzags of embarrassment. JANE AUSTEN — INDEX Z —.

Index 26 Z

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