A Christmas Carol a a-week abed abels abject able abode about above abrahams abroad absti- nence abundance abyss accommodate accompanied account accuracy accustomed ache achieved acquaintance acquainted across act acted action active adamant adapted add added address addressed addressing adjoining adjusted adjustment administe- red administrator admiration admit admitted advance advanced advantage adventure adversary affability affairs affection affectionate affects afford afforded affront afraid af- ter afternoon afterwards again against age ages agility agitated agitation ago agonised agony agreeable ah air alarm alarming alas aldermen ali alike alive all alleys allow allowed almonds almost almshouse alone along alpha- bet already also altar alteration altered although altogether always am amazed amends among amongst ample an an’t ancestors ancient and angel angelic angels angry animal ankle announced announcement anonymous another answer answered answering antique anxious anxiouslyany anybody any- how anything anyway anywhere apart apoplectic apostles appalled appalling apparel apparently apparition appealing appear appearance appearances appeared ap- pearing appetite applauded apple-sauce apples applied apply appraised appre- hensive apprentice apprenticed apprentices approach approached appropriate approving aprons archways are arm arm’s arms aromatic arose array arrival arrived artful ar- tifice artificial as ashamed aside ask asked asleep aspirations ass assembled assembling assign assigned assist assisted associated assure assured astonish astonished astonishment at ate atmosphere atom atoms attach attached attended atten- tion attentively attire attired attitude attract attractive aught aunts authority avarice avoid awake awakingaway awful awkwardly awoke axe baba baby bachelorback back-payments back-shop back-yard backs backward bad bade badly bag bags bah.

Charles Dickens - A Christmas Carol

Item catalogue number:
15 pages
Page 1
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Words of Charles Dickens
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